Boutique Bake mixes were created by best friends Catherine and Suzanne (age 25 & 26). The duo identified an unfulfilled market segment of high-end gourmet baking mixes with no additives and made only with the finest ingredients. After initially lunching in farmers markets they came to us with brief that really showed how well they understood their market and brand essence.
The brand is traditional but fun, needed to express a sense of quality and trust; had to convey the simplicity and ease with which to make the product; but most importantly needed to be sociable, an essential part of the product is its collaborative nature ie. giving it as a gift or making it with siblings.
We wanted to avoid the vintage trend that is prevalent across the market place at present, but still portray a strong retro vibe that was reminiscent of traditional homemaking in a contemporary context with of course lots of personality. The challenge was to deliver packaging that fulfilled this balance of fun and traditional values. All the type on front of pack was hand rendered. The use of traditional and bright colour pallet, and the gift shaped square box, was to create strong on-shelf standout in a category that usually consists of sachets.
The target market is primarily female aged 25 – 35 but secondarily a younger market not to exclude males.
Since the release of the new designs listings and sales have increasing revenue by over 40% in the first 3 months alone.